Monday, December 7, 2009

The Time is Now...

...To start your Holiday shopping! I know you are thinking Christmas is going to be here so FAST. So instead of having to deal with the heavily populated malls and crowded interstates, how about starting it NOW and doing it from your own home?!?! I know just the place where you can find great budget friendly gifts for almost everyone on your list, my Avon website. I know when some people think of Avon, they think of their mother's make-up, but that is so not the case! Avon offers great products for men, children, your home, and more!

Here are some helpful gift ideas for people who may be on your list
1. Children: Avon Kids Bath Time Body Paints, Cars Hooded Bath Towels, Dora Hooded Bath Towel, Kids' Fold N Go Umbrellas, NEW! Disney Princess Projector and Night Light, Glamorous Gems Fiber Optic Lamp , Blast of Pink Memo and Dry Erase Board, Jewelry Box - Hannah Montana , Director's Chair , Bentley the Bear , Wall Decals - Fairies These are just a FEW items, there are many more!

2. Men: Derek Jeter Driven Ultimate Shave Gel, Derek Jeter Driven Body Wash,Easy-Reach Electric Auto Windshield Scraper. Again, this is just a few items from the Men's store. There is much, much more! Check them all out!

I hope you can find these gift ideas helpful for your holiday shopping! There is much, much more to be found on my website! So have a look around!
OH, did I mention you can receive FREE SHIPPING on ANY order? Just use coupon code FSANY at checkout! WOW, Free Shipping, Low Prices, not having to deal with malls and traffic, why wouldn't you shop online?? Oh, and remember, refer your friends to my site and earn FREE AVON products for yourself!



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Girl Illustration Copyrighted to Dapino Colada